Excavation in Hrútshellir (Rams cave)
We continue to discover new exciting things in the caves. The excavation of Hrútshellir has revealed a beautiful paved floor in half of the cave as well as at the front (paved floors are not found in other caves in Ægissíða). There are also interesting structures in the middle of the cave, and a paved floor at the front. The cave is still under investigation. All the work is being done in collaboration with Uggi Ævarsson, the heritage conservator for South Iceland, and the Cultural Heritage Agency. We welcome any hypotheses about the structures. Our visitors can now look into the cave and see part of the structure and the floor. More updates soon.
Pictures from the excavation
Will American Scientists Solve the Mystery
of the Caves at Hella?
A team of American scientists are currently trying to solve the mystery of our caves. They are using ground breaking techonlogy to determine their age. Read about their innovative methods to solve their possible role in settlement of Iceland HERE.